Blog: Storytelling

Story Time – Not Just For Kids

How to get started with storytelling in business

One from the Bible and one from the senior statesman of rock: I’m more Team Keith. I was one of those mums who couldn’t wait for her baby sons to start playing with toys that I could join in with. Thomas the Tank Engine? Power Rangers? A cash register for playing shop? I was right(…)

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Dare to be a Drama Queen

And write more powerful and effective content

“Don’t make a fuss” “Keep quiet” “Don’t read too much into it” “Try to be like everyone else” Some of the things we’re taught as children don’t always serve us well in adulthood. If you were to apply the above to your words you’d never write anything much worth reading. So, for those times when(…)

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Say It With Feeling

Emotion in copywriting

Nobody wants what I do. But don’t rush to commiserate. I’m happy about it. In fact, most of the time I encourage it. I use the word “most” because sometimes I do want people to consider the “what” of what I do, which is copywriting. But most of the time, the fact that nobody cares,(…)

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Get Real! But How Far Should You Go?

Authenticity & all that jazz

Last week I got an email inviting me to my old school’s family fun day. Attached were some updates from people I hadn’t thought about for decades – decades that they’d distilled into a few sentences that communicated…what? What mattered to them, what they thought people would want to know or what was expected? As(…)

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Make your business stand out with storytelling

I was once told, when I asked for networking advice, to “just be interesting!” Being interesting, or rather being regarded as interesting, is obviously a good thing. But how can you pull it off when you’re writing for your business? Answer: use storytelling techniques to inject power and personality into your words. Desperately seeking understanding(…)

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7 sure-fire tips for powerful storytelling

The power of storytelling in business: Part 2

Are you sitting comfortably? Then I’ll begin. Storytelling in business should help you fulfil your business goals. Don’t get too caught up in the drama – this isn’t Jackanory (showing my age here…a popular 1970s’ children’s BBCTV storytelling programme). This is stories, and they can, for example, be anecdotes, case studies or how-to’s, with a(…)

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